That prompted retailers to stop accepting payment in Bitcoin and triggered a price crash. 这导致零售商停止接受比特币支付,并促使比特币价格大幅下跌。
My father called the bank to stop payment on the check. 我父亲打电话到银行止付那张支票。
To cancel or to stop a payment ( money transfer) order, this is only possible if the money receiver has not yet received the funds. 只有在收款人没有收到款项的前提下,用户才能取消或终止支付(汇款)。
When did you first become aware that you had insufficient assets to pay your debts in full and stop payment? 你在什么时候最先察觉没有足够资产偿还所有债务并停止付款?
This thought the house of Morrel is about to stop payment bent him to the earth more than twenty years would otherwise have done. 莫雷尔父子公司就要付不出款的这个想法完全把他压倒了,二十年来他从未感到过这样的屈辱。
Earlier this week Harrods became the latest major retailer to stop accepting cheques as payment. 本周早些时候,英国哈罗斯百货公司成为最新的一家拒收支票付款的大型零售商。
To endorse stop work order and resume work order for unit work, work payment certificate, work completion reporting sheet and project statement; 签认单位工程停工令、复工令、工程付款凭证、工程竣工报验单和工程结算书;
To stop the descent of economy in Yangtze River shipping, we should base transportation price and transportation service on a fine circulation, which is a reasonable payment with a high quality service. 必须打破长江航运经济滑坡的局面,把运输价格和运输服务建立在良性循环上,用优质的服务换取合理的回报。
To design and implement seven modules of the system: Acceptance of bill endorsement, endorse a bill, collection, remittance, payment due, Stop payment and overdue. 系统主要设计实现了承兑签发、票据背书、托收、解付、到期扣款、挂失止付和逾期七个模块。